'B' Lotion Bar Ordering Options

All our lotions are 100% NATURAL, made of the four best ingredients for the skin - beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter and coconut oil. Our lotion has been VERY EFFECTIVE (read testimonials) for ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, DERMATITIS, and DIABETIC sores, in addition to just dry or cracked skin. It is 'naturally' antibacterial, antifungal, AND antiviral...

OUR BIGGEST SELLER IS THE "UNSCENTED" LOTION TWIST-UP TUBE... but we also sell our lotion in a 'bar' form that comes in a tin. It's all the same lotion, just a different way to apply. The twist-up tube contains the MOST product, 2.5 oz., (a $22 value; we sell for only $17.50).

If you are treating a serious skin issue, such as PSORIASIS, we would suggest using the 'UNSCENTED' lotion until your skin clears, and then if you desire, you can certainly switch to the SCENTED lavender after your skin has cleared.

Our lotion is gentle and safe for babies and children... pets too!

PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, 320-248-1720. (Unfortunately, we are no longer shipping orders to Canada).