In October, 2005, I finally went to the doctor regarding the cracks in both of my heels, and was told I just had calluses. He prescribed no treatment other than soaking my feet and scraping off the calluses. I sought the advice of another doctor who suggested Liquid Band Aid to heal the cracks from the inside and Flexitol for the cracks. In December, however, my right leg became inflamed and swollen, and I was diagnosed with Cellulitis and put on antibiotics.
From October 2005 until April 2008, I had Cellulitis seven times (caused by the cracks in my feet). I developed psoriasis on my scalp, as well as on the palm of my left hand, which the skin literally peeled off my thumb and index finger. I saw eight doctors including my family doctor, podiatrists, dermatologists, orthopedic doctors and infectious disease specialists. At my worst, I suffered from both bacterial and viral infections going on at the same time. I was taking 6,000 mg of antibiotics per day for several weeks!! I spent over $8,500 in a year for doctors’ visits, tests, antibiotics, salves, lotions and creams… and had no health insurance. I was self-employed and unable to work for eight months.
I tried several 'natural' products, including other beeswax lotion bars, creams and salves. Then I started researching 'all natural' ingredients, and found they have amazing healing properties! My "B" Lotion Bar formula, made with the best pure beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter and coconut oil, is the ONLY product that works now on my hands and feet! I believe it is the BEST lotion for numerous skin ailments, including psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, diabetic sores, and even 'unknown' skin rashes! I had been an upholsterer for 45 years, so when I was developing my "B" Lotion formula, not only did it have to heal my psoriasis and eczema, it couldn't be greasy, oily, sticky, or leave any residue on fabrics or leather, so our customers love the feeling of our product!
The photos above shows the severity of the cracks in only one of my heels and the treatment of purple Castellani paint, a drying agent/ antiseptic used by one of the podiatrists (prior to using the Lotion Bar). I also have a photo of my heel showing how they totally cleared up after using the "B" Lotion after a month! At first, I did use the lotion three times a day, morning, noon/afternoon, and night because of the severity of the cracks on both feet. Now I only use the lotion as needed. The palm of my left hand also had dryness and cracks, and no skin on my thumb and index finger, which totally cleared up in two weeks while using my "B" Lotion.
Two pathology reports from two different hospitals, showed 'eczema, psoriasis, topical dermatitis, and 'something else'. If interested, we'd be happy to send you a complete 'testimonial' which lists a lot of the prescription drugs, antibiotics, salves, creams, over-the-counter medicines I tried, including Burt's Bees and other bee products.
Look for the 'B' - Beeswax, Buckley, BEST (and we're from Buffalo, MN!
Copyright 2008-2021 by S Buckley Enterprises, dba Buckley Naturals.. All rights reserved. These photographs and this material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed.